Accademia Scacchi Milano

Gli scacchi nel cuore di Milano


Ivano Pollini’s “The Enchantment of Chess”

Fascino english cover marroneE’ uscito su Amazon (16 Dicembre 2014) l’e-book “The Enchantment of Chess” scritto dall’amico e socio Ivano Pollini. Parole chiave: Psychology, Beauty, Art e Metaphor. Il libro è un saggio affascinante edito dalla Kindle Edition e l’amico Ivano ci informa che è disponibile a $7.05. Apprezziamone una breve descrizione: “Chess is an exemplary manifestation of human thought and the intellectual game par excellence. It is one of the most difficult and demanding games known to man and has been studied from the perspective of both psychology and cognitive science……..

Chess presents a universe of its own, one in which each player discovers new aspects and resolves new issues. Although chess has a basic competitive structure, it presents a meditative aspect together with a symbolism which has remained unchanged over the centuries. The game may serve to transmit specific messages as well as assist in the development of mental abilities. In conclusion, chess has become over the ages, a metaphor to illustrate abstract ideas and complex systems, as well as an effective tool for psychologists and cognitive scientists for the study and better understanding of the mind and the human brain.” In allegato, la biografia dell’autore.