Accademia Scacchi Milano

Gli scacchi nel cuore di Milano

Comunicati giovanili

An Open Letter to Accademia Scacchi Milano

Riceviamo e con il cuore pubblichiamo. Restiamo in fiduciosa attesa che gli organismi federali prendano in seria considerazione il problema di questi sempre più numerosi giovanissimi giocatori “stranieri” che sono nati e cresciuti nella stessa Patria dei nostri figli e che si stanno formando alle stesse Scuole di Scacchi.




03 March 2013 

To:      Accademia Scacchi Milano (ASM)

            Via De Amicis, 17

            20122 Milan 


            – and –


            Federazione Scacchistica Italiana (FSI)

 Re:       (U16)

            slated on 16, 17 March 2013 Campionato Provinciale Giovanile


Honorable Sirs and Mesdames:

            I the undersigned am the father of a young Filipino boy who is presently enrolled in the chess school under the management of Accademia Scacchi Milano. I have just got hold of a copy of the flyer/advertisement of the Campionato Provinciale March 2013. The flyer/advertisement also details some of the regulations of the said chess championship the legality of which I would like to contest, to wit:

  1. I giocatori debbono essere citadini italiani.

This provision stipulated in the Article 5.5.5 of the Regolamento Campionato Nazionale Under 16 is an outright and deliberate discrimination of non-Italian players who are regular residents and lawful immigrants to Milan in particular, and the entire Italy in general. I firmly believe that the national Constitution of Italy has a strongly founded provision for fair, just and humane integration of foreign immigrants to the country. This national Constitution ought to be the pattern of all subordinate constitutions and by-laws of organizations, associations or clubs within the country. No rules and regulations that violate the provisions of the national Constitution should be promulgated or implemented. In this vein, why then should only Italian chess players be allowed to join the provincial and regional qualifying tournaments as well as the upcoming national tournament?

I have referred this problem to Madam Fiorenza Viani and Sir Andrea Bracci of Accademia Scacchi Milano and they have assured me that they will bring these matters of concern to the governing bodies of ASM and FSI. But the provincial championship is just two weeks ahead from the date of this letter and I cannot see any change in this very discriminating regulation. Italy is very much like the United States when it comes to the demography of its population, that is, not everybody is Italian citizen; some are lawful foreign immigrants who make up a considerably big fraction of its population. These lawful immigrants, with their permesso di soggiorno and/or carta di soggiorno are given equal protection and opportunity in life under the Italian law . Why then such a very discriminating rule in a subordinate organization such as the FSI, CRL and ASM?

If only Italian chess players are allowed to participate, why then are foreign immigrant chess students allowed to enroll in Italian chess schools and institutes? From the beginning, foreign immigrant chess students should have been barred to enroll because even at first glance their enrolment would be useless and would be for naught.

Moreover, children born of foreign immigrants here do not automatically become Italian citizens because Italy does not apply the jus soli principle of citizenship. My son Gem Elijah Xerxes was born in Milan, and has been regularly and officially enrolled in an Italian public school since he was 3 years old, but it is a sad thing that he may become an Italian citizen only when he turns 18 years old if ever he opts to become a naturalized Italian citizen.

  1. Obbligatoria la tessera agonistica FSI 2013 con possibilita di tesseramento in sede di gioco.

This rule is ridiculous, sort of. Just imagine a young chess player who pops up suddenly from nowhere, appears in the venue of the championship and says, “I want to join. Can I have my ID right now?” and the registration committee would readily answer, “Yes, here is your ID, you can participate right now.” This is the scenario.

How unfortunate again to know that my son Gem was not allowed to pay the required membership and course matriculation when he started attending regularly the chess lessons at ASM in December 2011 when we learned about ASM through Sir Francesco Gervasio who taught basic chess lessons at Biblioteca Vigentina.

Having presented to you my points, sirs and Mesdames, I, with full respect to your authority and office, appeal to you to permit my son Gem Elijah Xerxes Lacambra to participate in the Campionato Provinciale Giovanile U16 on 16 and 17 March 2013 on the following viable reasons:

  1. Gem, although he is not an Italian citizen, was born and raised in Milan and we, his parents are legal and regular resident-immigrants.
  2. Having earned his place at ASM, he has been accepted as a bona fide member of the FSI.
  3. He has been attending an Italian public school in Milan since he was a kindergarten.
  4. Gem will play for the sake of earning ELO points, for the sake of good experience and exposure, for the sake of good training and learning.
  5. He merited the chance to join the CPG U16 by showing strong performance during the previous lower level tournaments organized by ASM.

I am making this appeal with due respect of your authority and may I merit the honor in having to do so, even as I strongly believe in your sense of equality and justice.

Very truly yours,



                    Via Lusardi, 2

                 20122 Milan, Italy