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Four Accademia Trainees Conquer Canottieri Olona Chess Tournament
Giovanile - Resoconti agonistica giovanile
Scritto da Gexter Lacambra   
Lunedì 20 Maggio 2013 15:15

IMG_4096Four (4) students of the Accademia Scacchi Milano recently made a big splash during the 4th Torneo Giovanile di Scacchi at the plush Club Canottieri Olona on Sunday, 14 May 2013. Prabhav Meharunkar never lost a game, led the race with 4.5 points and was declared overall champion(primo classificato assoluto) in the said event. Alongside him was Martina Bertucci who placed 3rd overall(terzo classificato assoluto). But the big surprise victories were brought in by two of the younger chess players from the Accademia. Gem Lacambra, who won his first two games against strong players, lost his third, but won the last two matches, emerged as the first place winner in the Under 8 category and was 4th overall. Pari Meharunkar, the sister of  Prabhav, was the likewise declared first place winner in the settore femminile and at the same time the 5th overall in the tally, also garnering 4 points.

To summarize, here’s the final result of the tournament:

  Prabhav MeharunkarPrimo Classificato Assoluto

  Martina BertucciTerzo Classificato Assoluto

  Gem LacambraPrimo Classificato Under 8 and Quarto Classificato Assoluto

  Pari MeharunkarPrimo Classificato Settore Femminile

The four allievi mentioned that they wish to dedicate their victories to ASM, their home chess school.